Paris Jackson has a weird awards show habit – and she’s finally admitting to it

Paris Jackson has a weird awards show habit – and she’s finally admitting to it
Paris Jackson has a weird awards show habit – and she’s finally admitting to it

If you have ever wondered how celebs deal with their heels on the red carpet, get ready. Because Paris Jackson is talking about her awards show habit. The newly-signed model admits that her shoes are usually an afterthought once she’s inside the venue. And who can blame her?! Heels can get pretty torturous.

Paris posted a photograph on her Instagram explaining that she usually goes up on stage barefoot. While this may seem out of the ordinary for us, this gorgeous gal thinks it’s totally fine! Why torture yourself all night if your feet hurt?

absorb da vibrationzz thru yer feet

A post shared by Paris-Michael K. Jackson (@parisjackson) on May 23, 2017 at 12:21pm PDT

Paris Jackson’s got jokes for days.

The caption beneath the photo is a funny wink at anyone judging Jackson’s actions.

“absorb da vibrationzz thru yer feet”

Maybe she can hear better thanks to her lack of footwear?

From her Instagram, it looks like Paris goes barefoot pretty regularly.

If not heels, then what?

When Paris Jackson isn’t going barefoot, she can be found rocking an awesome sandal. Her social media has a couple of shots of the shoes she seems to favor the most.

peace is everywhere ya just gotta look in the right places

A post shared by Paris-Michael K. Jackson (@parisjackson) on Apr 11, 2017 at 2:44pm PDT

Paris once paired those guys with socks!

Because summer is right around the corner, you might want to take note of her incredible sandal collection. The following are something you can totally rock for yourself:

At the end of the day, no one likes when their feet are hurting. Unfortunately, some shoes can be very painful. And if you’ve ever taken a gander at the Hollywood red carpet shoe game, it’s filled with painful stilettos.

Basically, Paris Jackson has the right idea when it comes to footwear.