We Wanna Hear The Parenting Life Hacks You Use To Make Your Own Adult Life Easier

The other day, I was scrolling on TikTok when my For You page showed me videos full of life hacks for parents. As someone who most certainly doesn't have kids, I alllllmost swiped away, but out of curiosity, I decided to stick around. Y'all...I did not expect to end this video thinking, Wow, I should try these out on myself.

Jimmy Fallon signaling that his head is exploding
Jimmy Fallon signaling that his head is exploding


So that got me thinking: What other genius life hacks am I missing out on that are perhaps now second nature to people with kids? Now, parents of BuzzFeed — this is where you come in. What life hacks did you learn from being a parent that you actually use to make your own adult life easier?

Woman smiling

Maybe having kids made you realize the true versatility of having wet wipes on you at all times — for your little one's messes and your own.

An open package of wet wipes
Hammarby Studios / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Perhaps you turned doing chores into a fun, rewards-based game to motivate your kids to do them, and found that the same game helps you get through your own chores when you're 100% not in the mood.

Children's names on a chart with stars next to them
Daisy-daisy / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Or maybe it's something a little more specific — like you learned from your kids' arts and crafts that cleaning up glitter is wayyy easier with a lint roller, and so is cleaning up a bunch of other things in your life, from dust to spilled sprinkles.

A lint roller and spilled sprinkles
Getty Images

Whatever it is, I wanna hear it. In the comments below or via this anonymous form, tell us the life hacks you learned as a parent that you apply to your own adult life. Your submission just might appear in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!