When should parents stop picking up the tab for a family holiday?

She won't be laughing when the bill arrives - Copyright by Tom Werner
She won't be laughing when the bill arrives - Copyright by Tom Werner

Our latest travel dilemma addresses the thorny issue of paying for a family holiday. Should parents always pick up the bill?

Helen Sanderson writes

My husband and I are in our fifties, and still invite our three children – all in their early twenties – on a family holiday every year. I’ve noticed we’re still expected to pay not just for flights and the rental villa, but for every drink, meal or museum entrance fee. When should you start letting adult children pay their way?

Anna Hart replies

The family unit, and the prescribed roles therein, are among humanity’s most cherished and fastidiously maintained social constructs. I regularly use this thought to explain why I regress to my 15-year-old self when I visit my parents at our family home in Belfast, cheerfully relying on my dad to drive me around town, shamelessly plundering the snack drawer, and bickering with my (32-year-old) sister over who ate the last avocado. Familial roles are powerful beasts, and it’s all too easy for both parents and children to miss the transitions from childhood to adulthood.

It would be a tad unfair to blame your children for being spoiled, greedy and thoughtless. They’re just doing the same thing they’ve always done, and allowing you to be the indefatigable, under-appreciated providers that you’ve always been. Humans aren’t good at rejigging well-worn roles, but the simple fact that you’ve suddenly noticed that you’re picking up the entire tab means it’s time to reassess things. Because when roles get itchy and uncomfortable, that’s when resentment sets in.

Strictly speaking, etiquette dictates that the bill – for a meal or excursion – should be picked up by the party who invites the other party. But, as you know fine well, a week in Sagres is a much grander gesture than a cinema ticket. Even so, it could certainly be argued that it’s unfair to expect your children to pay for something they didn’t have any part in the organising of. Any expenditure requires consent of sorts, so your children need to be in on plans from the beginning if you’d like for them to share in the costs. As with all group holidays, every traveller needs to understand beforehand what they’re getting themselves into, financially, physically and socially. Nothing ruins a holiday like money woes, and, sadly, money woes are a regular fixture in the life of most 20-something these days.

If it’s a given that they can all amply afford to pay their own way, be clear about the new terms from the outset. When you first suggest a destination to them, explain that you’ll happily cover the accommodation and/or flights but that they’ll need to dip into their own pockets thereafter. Alternatively, I know of relatively well-off parents who ask their offspring to contribute a sum into the “holiday kitty” on the quiet understanding that mum and dad will cover the excess. This is a generous gesture, and one that minimises fuss and stress and bickering, none of which you need more of on a family holiday. Ultimately, holidaying with adult children means negotiating a balance between generosity and fairness. With a bit of navigating, you can still take your children on a trip, without feeling like you’re being taken for a ride.

When do should children start paying their share on a family holiday, if ever? Tell us in the comments section below.