27 Kids Who Completely And Totally Terrified Me With The Unsettling Things They Said

Childhood is a magical time full of imagination, but that imagination can also have a dark side. Like, little kids will just look you in the eye and say the creepiest thing you've ever heard and then move on with their day like it was nothing.

little boy holding a sign that says you're making him mad next to a creepy doll
little boy holding a sign that says you're making him mad next to a creepy doll

STX Entertainment / Via giphy.com

Recently, u/eli_jmi asked parents on Reddit to share the creepiest thing their kid has said to them, and scary stories came flooding in. Here are some of their replies:

1."My youngest daughter has always had a fear of the water that’s gotten better as she’s gotten older. But when she was a toddler, it would have been easier to baptize a rabid cat than try to give her a bath. One night at around age 3, I was doing my routine of trying to get her in the tub to wash off when she said to me, 'I scared of the water. It’s how I died before.' Yeah, the bath definitely didn’t happen that night."

snow covered pier leading out to a cold dark lake

2."Not my child but my grandchild. She was about 3 years old when her parents were expecting another baby. She kept talking about how she was so happy she'll have her sister back once the baby was born. The sister that 'died in a fire before.' At the time, she only had an older brother and had never had a sister, let alone one that passed away in a fire."


3."A few months ago, my 3-year-old daughter had the flu. After she was feeling a little better, my wife took her outside in our backyard to play. My wife was sitting on the back step, and my daughter came up and asked her if she could play with the little girl on our slide. My wife said, 'I don't see a little girl,' and my daughter said, 'She is right over there on the slide, mom, can't I play with her?' My wife said, 'I don't see anyone,' and my daughter insisted, 'She is on the slide, and she is blue. Can I play with her?' My wife, now freaked out, said, 'Let's go inside and make a snack,' so they did. For the rest of the day, my daughter kept going and looking out the back door and kept telling my wife that the little blue girl was lonely."


4."As I was leaving for work, my daughter said, 'Bye daddy, have a good day. I hope you don't get shot,' and then went back to playing with her toys."

smiling little girl playing with toys

5."My 2-year-old accidentally locked himself in a room and was crying hysterically while I tried in vain to coach him through unlocking the door. My 5-year-old pulled me aside and said, in perfect seriousness, 'Forget about him, Mom. He's dead to us.' I'm a little worried about that kid."


6."My 3-year-old had been talking a lot about her 'other family.' About how she has a brother (she doesn't) and how she misses her old house and her old mom and dad. So, one day, I'm humoring her and asking details about them, and then, I ask, 'So, what happened to them? Why aren't you with them anymore?' She let out this huge sigh, looks down at the floor, and said in this really defeated sounding voice, 'They're dead.' To be clear, she has no other family. Her older sister was adopted, so we wonder if maybe that's what prompted the other family talk. The other theory we have is that all the Pixar movies they watch usually involve some family member dying or being dead. But she doesn't know anybody who has died."


7."Woke one morning before my alarm went off to my 3-year-old son standing next to my bed. He then says, 'Go back to sleep and think about your life.'"

person reaching for their alarm clock

8."My son used to say when he was younger that he used to fly around at night. Jumping from lamppost to lamppost in the neighborhood. That it was hard to get there because of the connection to his body through the belly button. I would have considered it imagination if it weren’t for the fact that my dad told me he had the same type of dream when he was little, as did I."


9."I used to work with toddlers. We had one girl who got so upset at changing time. She would cry and say, 'No, the man is watching!' when she was on the changing table. She would point to the ceiling tiles (sometimes, the wind from the garden door knocked one out of place) and say he was watching. Freaked all of us staff out; we all looked, but there was definitely no one there. We had to change her on a mat on the floor inside of a stall because she was so upset. We did that for the rest of the year."

"When the next year's class starts, a little boy (these kids did not know each other at all!) starts crying on the changing table. 'No! The man is watching!' pointing at the ceiling tiles again. Same situation for the rest of the year. Had to change him in a stall on the floor.

There was never anyone in the ceiling, but it freaked us all out constantly!"


10."I was laying out in the backyard with my then-4-year-old son looking up at the stars one night. My son said, 'When are they coming to get me?' I asked, 'Who?' He said, 'My people,' and pointed up at the stars."

little boy looking through a telescope at the stars

11."She started coming out with phrases that my grandfather used to use when I was a kid. Told me she talks to my grandfather and described him in detail including his favorite shirt. She never met him, nor had she ever seen photos of him before that point. Every single hair on the back of my neck stood up at that moment."


12."Went to check on my 5-year-old daughter who was asleep. She rolled on her back, still asleep, and said, 'I must not eat humans; humans aren't food,' before rolling back over."


13."My oldest who was maybe 2.5 at the time told me she kept seeing an old man in our apartment. We didn’t think much of it because neither my wife nor I believed in ghosts, and our daughter had just started having an imagination. One day, we were looking at photos of my dad, and she said, 'Oh, that’s the old man.' He had passed away a few months earlier."

A family looking at photos

14."One time, my 2-year-old nephew just looked at me over breakfast and goes, 'Are you broken?' and I really just had to sit there and let that sink in. Like, yeah, little man, I am, but it's not something I'm prepared to discuss with a toddler over cheerios and peanut butter toast."


15."I was playing around with my daughter who was probably around 3 at the time. She suddenly stopped, looked at me, and said, 'We were sisters. I died, and God made me wait until we could be back together again.' And just like that, she went back to being a little girl. FYI, I'm her dad."


16."My son had an imaginary friend when he was about 3 who was a little boy named Jodi who died from 'drinking medicine water.' There’s a gravestone in our local cemetery from the '70s of a 4-year-old boy named Jodi. It’s my opinion that my son had a ghost friend when he was younger."

headstones in a cemetary

17."When my daughter was about 4 or 5, she said, 'Before I was with a mommy that didn't take care of me, so God took me away from her and gave me to you and daddy.' Mind you, we are not religious people, and she was not adopted. That gave me the chills."


18."My mom likes to tell this story: Apparently, when I was 5 or 6, I told her that aliens had stolen her real son and replaced him with me, an exact copy. Someday, I would return to my home planet. But she shouldn't be sad, because her real son had a good life in our zoo."


19."My eldest went through a phase of waking up in the middle of the night for a snack. Odd because she was a unicorn baby who slept through the night from 2 months on. She was about a year old at the time. We would bring her out to sit on the couch and have a bowl of cereal or some crackers. Every night, she would wave hello at the empty chair across from her and talk to it while she ate. This lasted months. Then, one night, she came out, looked at the empty chair, pointed, and just started SCREAMING. Horrible, terrified screams. We took her to a different room and calmed her down. My husband took the chair out. The next day, we threw it away. That was the last night she woke up for a snack, slept through the night from then on."

An empty chair in a dark room

20."When my daughter was around 3, she had an imaginary friend named Mike. One day, she said Mike had to go home, and when asked where he lived, she said in the church under our apartment with other people. We lived on the first floor, and there was nothing under our building."


21."Ever have the feeling that something is watching you? It was the middle of the night. The only light was a dim night light from the hallway. I have sleep paralysis. Seeing shadow spiders dancing on the ceiling while being pinned to the bed is not a completely uncommon occurrence. I reluctantly opened my eyes to find a tiny figure, long hair streaming over her face, staggering toward me. I did the only rational thing and screamed — scaring the poor child that was coming to me because she had a nightmare. Oops."


22."When my son was a preschooler, he would see a man in our house, and he was really scared. He described seeing the man 'sitting on the end of your bed, he had his hands over his face, and was hunched over crying.' He said sometimes the man would be in the hallway outside his room at night, just standing, doing nothing. He described the man as having 'ropes' around his leg. Later, we encountered someone on the street with a cast on their leg, and he said, 'That's like the ropes on the man's leg!' After I explained what a cast was, he started calling the guy 'Cast Man.' One morning, at breakfast, he was bopping around in a good mood. I asked him why he was so chipper, and he said, 'I haven't seen the Cast Man in two weeks!' Incidents tapered off, and the Cast Man was never seen again. My son is in his 20s now and doesn't remember it. We found out later that our house was built over an area that used to be an old hospital."

decrepit room in an abandoned hospital

23."My then-2-year-old toddling up to an 1800s-era infant headstone, plopping down, and announcing, 'Mama, da baby crying,' and pointing to it.


24."My 4-year-old saw a dress I was going to wear to a wedding I was in and said, 'You should wear that when you get married!' To which I responded that I was already married. They then said, 'No, when daddy dies and you meet someone else.' A few months later, they were holding a new pair of shoes I had received and said, 'Are you going to wear these when daddy dies to your wedding?'"


25."When my son was 2 or 3, my husband and brother were hanging out. It was night time, and I was asleep. They said the baby monitor randomly started making clicking noises (like the noise from the movie Signs) and there was some static. Suddenly, the noise stopped, and our son said, 'Oh, hello Macy.'"

baby monitor

26."My father died when I was just 15. Fast-forward 20 years, I was reading my 3-year-old daughter a bedtime story and tucking her in, and she just interrupted me and said, 'I knew your daddy before I was born,' and went straight to sleep."


27."When my daughter was 1.5 to 2, we would walk up to my in-laws' house. It was about seven houses down. We would walk past a drainage opening, and one day, my daughter told me that walking by it always made her so sad. I asked her why, and she told me, 'Because the little girl down there can’t get out; she’s trapped. Can I leave her a toy?' A year before we moved there, a girl had drowned in a creek in the neighborhood that runs into there. My daughter, of course, didn’t know that, and we found a very long, roundabout way to get there from then on."


Can you relate? Please tell me all about the creepy things your kids say in the comments!