Parents Praise Kate Middleton for Her Reaction to Princess Charlotte

From Oprah Magazine

  • Kate's daughter refused to wave to onlookers, instead sticking out her tongue. Kate laughed and grinned at the crowd—people went all heart eye emoji on the pair.

Social media can be a particularly divisive place in the realm of parenting—luckily, though, it can also be a place filled with support as well. And that's true whether you're just a regular mom or an actual royal: Parents are praising Kate Middleton for her reaction to daughter Princess Charlotte yesterday, after the little one refused to wave and instead stuck her tongue out like the biggest cutie. Kate found this to be hilarious and even threw a look and a grin to the crowd as if to say "OMG did you see that too??" The moment went viral on social media.

Some commenters seemed to be offended by the reaction (which I won't repeat here), but most were totally enthralled and defending the young mom and her kid. "Charlotte is an entire mood," said one—um, same. I want to stick my tongue out at most people, too. "Just a normal child! You can’t control their every move," said one. "Kate's response was fantastic!" said another. "Kate blows my mind with her grace here! She is so beautiful." and "Kids are the equaliser. It doesn’t matter who you are. Movie star, doctor, athlete, or royal, kids don’t care and it’s their world and they’re going to do what they do. And if you think probably don’t have kids."

"She has her dads and grandmother Diana's sense of humour," and "Prince George did it will be Prince Louis." Louis already has pretty spectacular grumpface, so I have no doubt of this. And, "Love them both! This girl would be an awesome queen!" Um, yea, now I kind of want Queen Charlotte in my life, big-time.

News outlets even got in on the action, comparing Charlotte to her Uncle Harry when he was a kid (swipe through to see, I promise it's worth it):

I would looooove it if Charlotte turns out to have Harry's sense of humor. Harry, start giving her lessons.

The original post is here with all the responses:

So cute.

P.S. The Ralph Lauren dress Charlotte wore is currently on sale, if you want to channel the princess's perfectly sassy sailing look.

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