I've Got To Hand It To Parents This Year. These 19 Elf On The Shelf Pics Are Getting Me Through The Holidays

Parents have been going all out for Elf on the Shelf this year. And if you, like me, didn't grow up with the tradition, and have no idea what it is — basically, each "Elf" is a scout for Santa. They hang out at your house during the days leading up to Christmas and report back to the North Pole about all happenings, as well as the kids' behavior (which Santa will consider when writing his "Naughty and Nice" list).

A giant Elf on the Shelf balloon
Scarletsails / Getty Images

Usually, parents shift the elves around every morning before the kids wake to signify they've left and come back, and the positions they're found in are often hilarious, mischievous, or very tongue-in-cheek. Here's some viral renditions from this year:

1. This elf was abducted on his way to Santa:

Twitter: @juhlissuhh

2. This elf ironed out a bag of chips:

Twitter: @BrianMcLight

3. This elf has stomach issues:

Twitter: @ericriveracooks / Via Twitter: @ericriveracooks

4. This elf is fishing in the bathtub:

Twitter: @AkanButNoJeezyy / Via Twitter: @AkanButNoJeezyy

5. This elf got a BBL (Big Bun Lift):

Twitter: @XCIX_

6. This elf can help you grab something to drink:

Twitter: @ABC7

7. This elf is a cheeky texter:

Twitter: @sue_bagg

8.This elf had a little accident:

One Elf on the Shelf pulling another from some fake ice
Tbonewiz / Via reddit.com

9. This elf spilled a rainbow surprise:

Twitter: @tropicallesbian

10. These elves want to join in on your morning routine — breakfast and a trip to the bathroom:

Twitter: @MaxKriegerVG

11. This elf is a bit of a thief:

Twitter: @SammisRepEra

12. This elf was busy protesting:

Twitter: @JamesTate121

13. This elf has some explaining to do....

Twitter: @DDHoward08 / Via Twitter: @DDHoward08

14. These elves are tormenting potatoes:

Twitter: @_RealLoverGirl

15. This elf is shooting buckets:

Twitter: @UteManJoe

16.This elf is already snitching to Santa:

An Elf on the Shelf with a walkie-talkie
W5SNx / Via reddit.com

17.This elf was caught sneaking to his new hiding spot:

An Elf on the Shelf climbing up a wall
Elina-USA / Via reddit.com

18.This elf is going ice fishing:

An Elf on the Shelf fishing for Goldfish
Elina-USA / Via reddit.com

19. And finally, these parents were tired of moving their elf, so now it's gone:

Twitter: @karenfthompson