New Parents George and Amal Clooney Just Gave Every Single Passenger *This* Gift on a Recent Flight

We’ve all been there: You’re on a cross-country flight, and a screaming baby is just a row or two behind you. Leave it to George and Amal Clooney to win the award for the most self-aware parents (and airline passengers) of the year. 

Here’s what went down: On a recent flight to England with their adorable 6-month-old twins, Ella and Alexander in tow, the power couple passed out noise-canceling headphones to anyone that wanted them. Each pair featured the logo for George’s tequila company, Casamigos, plus a note apologizing ahead of time for what could be a very noisy flight if the twins cried.

According to sources, the twins didn’t make a peep. But, damn, George and Amal: Way to be hyper considerate—and seriously on top of the parenting game.

RELATED: Dads Everywhere Should Follow George Clooney's Secret to Winning the Parenting Game