Paralympian Flaunts Skills At Australian Ski Resort

Perisher Resort, an Australian ski area, is officially open for the winter, and Paralympian Sam Tait is the perfect man to show off the newly snowy digs.

Watch as Tait rips under Perisher's Village 8 Chair, also known as V8.

Tait grew up skiing before acquiring paraplegia in 2013 after a motorcycle accident at 22.

After his injury, he continued to pursue skiing, making use of an adaptive sit ski. His dedication eventually evolved into a Para-Alpine ski racing career that took him to both the 2018 and 2022 Winter Paralympic Games.

Alongside realizing his Paralympic dreams, Tait also became the first person with paraplegia to climb Mount Kosciuszko, Australia's tallest mountain. He accomplished the goal alongside a team of close friends who helped him carry his mobility gear and skis, assisting only when necessary.

Incredibly noteworthy accomplishments aside, including participating in a team triathlon event and ranking in the adaptive division of the International CrossFit Games, Tait seems to be a skier at heart -- and a talented one at that. The dude can throw down some mean carves on that sit-ski.

Keep ripping, Sam! You're an inspiration to snowsports fans everywhere, regardless of what's attached to their feet.

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