Palisades Tahoe Schedules Opening of Greatest Expert Lift In North America: KT-22

KT-22 was named for the descent of Sandy Poulson, who did 22 kick turns on her way down the mountain in 1948 after her husband Wayne Poulson, the founder of Palisades Tahoe (formerly Squ*w Valley).

Since, there's been a lot more action than kick turns going on under the lift, and more is in store very soon, as officials at Palisades Tahoe announced the opening of the popular chair in an operations update last night.

Officials announced that Palisades plans to add "Scott at Alpine and KT-22 at Palisades to the schedule this Wednesday!"

Both lifts service some steep and challenging terrain.

KT is just a short hike short off letting skiers out at Eagle's Nest and McConkey's, and the lift services 2,000 vertical feet of cliff bands, chutes, open bowls, glades and moguls.

Terrain off KT includes (to name a very small few) Chute 75, the Fingers, the Nose, and Rock Garden...

Watch the legend Shane McConkey explain why KT is "the greatest lift in America."

McConkey points out the fingers. "This is where it all goes down on a powder day."

The crowd, or hero factor, is another appeal of KT-22 for those in the Squ*llywood mindset. "The people waiting in line, the people on the lift... they'll all be watching you."

Prepare to get heckled if you stall on a line. But if you stick a good drop, the cheering makes it all worth it. It's the game of GNAR, the raddest skier is going to be the one sending things right in viewing distance of the lift!

Palisades explained that "a lot of work goes into prepping these two lifts, even with the help of more than two feet of recent snowfall up top."

Speaking of powder days, KT gets packed on them. People line up before the sun is up to score a couple pow turns.

To nobody's surprise, officials at the resort noted that "we'll have limited grooming off of KT-22." We don't think that will be anywhere near enough to deter lift lines!

The resort also announced that it is "continuing work on Headwall, but we do not have a set opening date yet."

In other news, "Sun Bowl terrain opened for the first time today, Granite Chief still needs more snow at the bottom, Solitude is close to being ready, and Lakeview and Sherwood do not have an estimated opening."

"We simply need more snow to start work on access roads and chairlift ramps."

With KT set to open this week, somehow, we don't think anyone's complaining. The proving grounds are opening for the season.

Related: Iconic Lifts: KT-22

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