The Paddleboarder Killed by a Shark in the Bahamas Has Been Identified

The stand-up paddleboarder tragically killed Monday morning by a shark in the Bahamas has been identified.

According to reports, police have identified her as newlywed Lauren Erickson Van Wart, 44.

A shark attacked her while she was paddleboarding with a family member less than a mile off the coast of Nassau. A lifeguard brought her to the beach in a rescue boat where she was pronounced dead.

NBC10 Boston captioned the post above:

"BREAKING UPDATE: The woman from Massachusetts killed has been identified as Lauren Erickson Van Wart."

It's still unknown what type of shark attacked her.

NBC reported:

"Between 30 to 40 shark species live around the Bahamas, although the Caribbean reef shark, the bull shark, the tiger shark and the black tip shark have the highest bite frequency."

According to the story, Van Wart "worked for Curriculum Associates as a principal editor of instruction, a company spokesperson confirmed Tuesday."

In a statement form the company, CEO Rob Waldron said:

"Our team is heartbroken and grieving the loss of a dear and trusted colleague and friend. Lauren was a beloved member of our math editorial team, and she infused her deep dedication to students and educators into every material she touched.

"Her commitment to excellence and outstanding work was driven by a higher purpose, focused on improving learning outcomes for all. Our Curriculum Associates community is mourning this tragedy and extends our deepest love and support to Lauren's wonderful husband and all of her family."

In a related story, Reuters reported:

"While fatal shark attacks are not common in The Bahamas, at least two others have been reported recently.

"On Nov. 21, a 47-year-old German woman went missing during a diving excursion in waters off West End, Grand Bahama, after encountering a shark, police said.

"In September 2022, a 58-year-old American woman was killed in a shark attack while snorkeling with her family in waters of New Providence."

Rest in peace, Lauren.


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