Paddle Out For Mikala Jones Set For Monday In Bali

People all over the world continue to mourn the loss of Mikala Jones since his death in the Mentawais just days ago.

Hopefully, a step towards healing is on the horizon for those that knew and loved him.

A paddle out has been planned to take place in Bali at Canggu Beach, where he resided during his time living in Indonesia.

A paddle out to celebrate the life of Mikala Jones will take place in Bali at Canggu Beach. <p>Instagram</p>
A paddle out to celebrate the life of Mikala Jones will take place in Bali at Canggu Beach.


Guests are asked to gather at the Times Beach Warung on Monday, at 4 p.m.

The invitation says, “The family would like to invite you to join in paying your respects at one or all of the following.”

Visitation and cremation services precede the paddle out, also taking place in Bali.

Mikala’s friends and family including his daughter, Isabella, and Rizal Tanjung, Rob Machado, Taylor Steele, and Betet Merta have been spreading the word via Instagram.

Jones passed away July 9 after serving his femoral artery while surfing in the Mentawais during a trip to Awera Resort. He was 44 years old.


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