Pack of Dogs Eating 'Invisible' Treats Are So Cluelessly Adorable

Our dogs love us. They trust us completely and they know we would never play a trick on them, like in this video posted September 2 of an owner feeding her gorgeous pack of pups treats. Except these aren't really treats. She is feeding them nothing.

Just wait until you see their reactions.

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The clip, posted by the TikTok account for @Thegoodhype, shows her German Shepherds and Huskies and Doberman and Great dane (etc) all happily enjoying these delicious treats mom feeds them. Of nothing. LOL! They are just so cute and clueless! They are so excited to get these treats.

TikTok users are loving this gorgeous and silly group and @Matt comments, "The one tried to steal an imaginary treat from the Great Dane!" @Sheri adds, "It’s the actual chewing for me." @Kat makes a hilarious confession with, "I did this over 10 times with my chihuahua before he realized he was getting tricked." LOLOLOL! @Claire replies, "All so well mannered! Waiting patiently for fresh air!"

They really are such well behaved dogs. Most dogs would be trying to steal those imaginary, invisible treats from each other's mouths!

So will you be trying this with your own dog to see their reaction? If you do, you just have to do what this owner does after tricking your dog, and make sure to reward them with a real treat!

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