Make Your Own Acts of Kindness Advent Calendar

Little envelopes filled with acts of kindness for the holiday will become your new favorite holiday activity. This DIY Advent calendar encourages everyone in the family to practice simple acts of kindness. Download and print our 25 acts (or write your own!) and place them in festive red envelopes for each day of December leading up to Christmas. Then hang each envelope on a patterned ribbon to create an Advent calendar garland in your home. Take a few moments each day to open the envelopes and reflect on the true spirit of the season. From baking cookies and dropping them off at the fire station to making handmade Christmas ornaments for a friend, doing good during the holidays is a great tradition to start this year, even if you're practicing social distancing this holiday season.

Alice & Lois

How to Make a DIY Advent Calendar

Supplies Needed

  • Free printables

  • Scissors

  • Double-stick tape or white glue

  • 2 x 3 1/2-inch red gift card envelopes

  • Mini wood clips

  • Ribbon

Step-by-Step Directions

With a few supplies and these how-to instructions, you can create your own handmade Advent calendar. Customize your calendar with our free printable ideas or write your own.

Alice & Lois

Step 1: Prepare Envelopes

Print the Advent calendar templates on plain white paper. Cut out the. Using double-stick tape or glue (we like this easy-to-use adhesive roller) adhere each number to 25 small red envelopes ($13 for 50, Office Depot). If using, let the glue dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Step 2: Assemble the Advent Calendar

Print and cut out each act of kindness. Use our free printable or write your own ideas. Place one printed act into each envelope and seal shut. To create the finished DIY Advent calendar, clip each envelope onto a ribbon to create the garland. Use one long piece of ribbon to hang all 25 on the same row, or create a layered garland with shorter segments. This year, try using a buffalo check ribbon ($6, Hobby Lobby) to add a touch of farmhouse style to your decor. Countdown the days until Christmas with an act of kindness each day.