The Oscar Instagrams that won the night

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Screen Shot 2015-02-23 at 11.25.14 AM copy

The Oscar Instagram game was strong last night. So strong, in fact, we're STILL obsessing over the photos 24 hours later.

When some of the biggest stars in the world are together in one room, the only logical thing to do is to take pictures together and then post them on Instagram for the world to see/live vicariously through. We're not saying we were jealous of both Meryl Streep and JLo when we saw their adorable selfie together from last night, but we're also not NOT saying it, you know?

We had a feeling that celebrities would be posting some pretty incredible pictures from their night at the Oscars, so we decided to round up some of the best ones from their official Instagram accounts. The photos may not come close to the epic-ness of last year's star-studded selfie taken by Ellen DeGeneres, but they're still pretty amazing. See for yourself:

Oh, just two of the most incredible women EVER in a picture together — via JLo's Instagram:

Now THIS is a photo bomb we can get behind. Literally. Can we please get behind JLo and photo bomb too?

Oprah Instagrammed her favorite moment of the night — but our favorite moment of every night/day is when Oprah Instragrams anything:

Reese Witherspoon and all her cuteness:

It's hard to tell what's happening between Common and Quest Love, but we like it either way:

Rita Ora posted this gorgeous photo of her and Kerry Washington:

Lupita Nyong'o and her brother Peter Nyong'o keeping this year's selfie simple:

YES to everything about this picture that Peter Nyong'o posted with Jared Leto and Jared Leto's face:

Jamie Chung posted this picture of the hilarious cast of Big Hero 6:

And these shots, taken at the Vanity Fair Oscar party by photographer Mark Seliger, are super cool and definitely worth seeing:

J.K. Simmons 

Steve Martin

Director Alejandro González Iñárritu

Lady Gaga

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