New Orleans Street Closed After Truck Spill Covers Road in 1,000 Gallons of Syrup

New Orleans Street Closed After Truck Spill Covers Road in 1,000 Gallons of Syrup

The evening drive home for those in New Orleans got sweeter for some commuters Monday evening — but not in a good way.

As Fox 8 New Orleans reported, about 1,000 gallons of syrup spilled from a truck on the eastbound side of North Rampart Street on Monday around 6:30pm, causing police to shut down the street until the following morning. Fox 8 reporter Chris Finch noted that the truck was issued three citations due to improper loading and size and weight limit violations. It's currently unknown what kind of syrup was on the street but Twitter user Ian Hoch noted after the spill that "the whole block kind of smells like pancakes."

Whether it was molasses or maple syrup that made its way onto North Rampart, it's safe to say the incident wasn't all that sweet for those trying to get home after a long day of work.

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So share with us, dear readers: What is the weirdest street closure incident you've ever seen in your travels? Have anything that tops syrup?