Oriental Shorthair Cat's Ears Going Into 'Airplane Mode' Has People Obsessed

After watching a few videos on the feline side of TikTok (affectionally known as 'cattok' you'll likely come across a mention of a cat's ears going into 'airplane mode.' But what does this mean? Dogs are better known as pets who use their ears both to listen and to communicate, and fewer people know that cats do the same thing.

It's true! Feline body language uses every muscle in a cat's body to show their feelings, from the twich of a tail to the shake of a head. One Oriental Shorthair cat named Keebler showed his TikTok fans the perfect example when he put his ears in airplane mode while play fighting with a hairless cat sibling. The video on @oriental_shorthair_squad's account has people laughing at Keebler's fickle behavior!

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LMAO! Once I got over the orange cat's unique look, I finally took a closer look at his subtle--then not-so-subtle--change in behavior. First, he tries to engage his kitty sibling in play, then he decides he doesn't want to interact!

"Now, Keebler, you called him on. You can't just say 'No,'" chastised @michellesaindon. It's true! Teasing your buddy is quite rude as it is, but I sincerely hope he didn't interrupt his cat nap, too. To go through all of that just to be faked out would be super frustrating! Ironically, though, it was the instigator who got annoyed.

Those who aren't familiar with nonverbal feline communication may have missed Keebler's signal--it's his ears in airplane mode! Toward the end of the video, the grumpy cat flattens out his ears like airplane wings on each side of his head. When cats do this, it's a sign of nervousness or stress, but we never would expect Keebler to be the one feeling ready to fly away from the interaction. That's cat logic for you!

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