Organizing and storing food in your refrigerator are both so much easier with this device

Tired of losing food in the back of your refrigerator? No more letting food go to waste with Zip n' Store.

This storage solution turns seal-top storage bags into an easily-accessible, compact means of organizing your groceries. Simply by hanging your bagged items on a "shelf," your food can be right at your fingertips and recognizable at a glance.

Zip n' Store also stops your zippered pre-packaged foods, such as shredded cheese and cold cuts, from becoming a mess in your refrigerator drawers. And if food prep is your go-to, plastic storage bags are convenient, transparent and can preserve food longer than air-filled plastic containers.

Zip n' Store is perfect for all areas of food storage. It can be hooked up to refrigerators, freezers or even pantries so your food can be neatly displayed and ready like books on a shelf. Simply lock in the tray and add the food-stuffed bags into the crevices. It's that easy.

Zip n' Store also offers Freeze n' Serve to make your time in the kitchen more productive. Aside from storing your food properly, this is the perfect way to portion out your frozen foods without having to unthaw the entire contents. Zip n' Store and Freeze n' Serve were specifically designed to make your prep and cook time easier, as well as giving you the organized kitchen of your dreams.

Get both here and say goodbye to messy fridges and filled freezers.

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