Oreogasm Pancakes: Breakfast Is Officially LIT

Photo credit: Charlie Gillette
Photo credit: Charlie Gillette

From Delish


BUY NOW: Glass Mixing Bowls, $12.50, amazon.com.

As much as I hate to admit it, many a morning I wake up craving sugar. Usually this manifests itself in a spoonful of brown sugar in my oatmeal or a drizzle of honey in my yogurt. (Basically my attempt at avoiding a full sugar crash by noon.) Sometimes though, you gotta indulge, and these Oreogasm Pancakes are just the thing.

Photo credit: Charlie Gillette
Photo credit: Charlie Gillette

If you want to create this leaning tower of sweetness, start with pancake batter. We made ours from scratch, and trust us, it's worth it. It's a super simple batter with plenty of chocolate flavor--we used dark cocoa powder to mimic the color of Oreo cookies.

Photo credit: Charlie Gillette
Photo credit: Charlie Gillette

Once you've got your batter, cook off the pancakes using a ¼ c measure for consistent size. (Pro tip: if you're making pancakes for a crowd, heat your oven to 200℉ and place cooked pancakes on a baking sheet. Viola! No cold pancakes.) To serve, layer pancakes with whipped cream and top with crushed Oreos and chocolate syrup. Another pro tip: make these on a weekend and lean into your sugar crash. ]]>😉