Orange Cat Crunching Through Cardboard Has People Transfixed

Anyone who's spent too long near an unhappy cat knows just how sharp their teeth can be. They can break skin without even trying, so it should be no surprise that one goofy orange cat can even pierce cardboard with his teeth!

Still, I did a double-take when I happened upon a video of @dextheorangecat munching through pieces of cardboard. He bites into it the way a person would do to an apple, though the crunch sounds for this cardboard are way better. It's like feline ASMR!

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LMAO! We have no idea why Dex enjoys biting cardboard so much, but it's honestly pretty mesmerizing to watch. The crunches were my favorite part, though! I had to double-check that there wasn't a sound overlay here, and there doesn't appear to be.

"It's my favorite satisfying activity to watch," agreed @sissimk77. Isn't it great? I can hardly take my eyes off this focused tabby cat and the way he wrinkles his nose when he takes a bite. It's relaxing, fascinating, and satisfying all at once!

The "nose scrunchies" were definitely a fan favorite among commenters like @nix.claws and it's easy to see why. Dex is already such an expressive cat, but this takes him to the next level. But why in the world is he so passionate about munching?

Viewer @_verytired_cat_ suggested that maybe "he's on stapler mode." LOL! That's exactly what he's doing to the cardboard with his two kitty fangs, so his owners know precisely where to go if they ever need two things attached. After a couple piercing bites, they can tie the pieces together and go.

Now someone get this guy some cat treats he can munch on!

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