This Oral-B Electric Toothbrush Is More Than Half Off on Amazon Today

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One of the best electric toothbrushes on the market is a rare 55% off on Amazon today. Any dentist will tell you an electric model is packing way more than the analog cuspid cleaners, and now Oral-B’s Series 5 Toothbrush is more than $100 off its regular price.

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This Oral-B Electric Toothbrush Is 55% Off on Amazon Today
This Oral-B Electric Toothbrush Is 55% Off on Amazon Today

Oral-B iO Series 5 Limited Rechargeable Electric Powered Toothbrush

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Price: $219.99 $99.99

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$100 is a steep price for a toothbrush, even at far below its $219 selling point, but the features justify a heftier tag. It comes with five cleaning modes (Daily Clean, Intense Clean, Sensitive, Super-Sensitive, Whitening), and is Oral-B’s only toothbrush built with an iO pressure sensor that signals if you’re brushing too hard to too soft, preserving the gums. It also has a two-minute timer and Bluetooth connectivity so the extra anal can track their brushing activity.

It’s Oral-B’s first electronic toothbrush with the American Dental Association’s stamp of approval, and comes with an app that displays which teeth aren’t getting enough love.

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