How Opening Your Third Eye Can Deepen Your Spiritual Connections

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The third eye (also known as the "Seat of the Soul") refers to an energy center between your eyebrows, in yoga, meditation, or other spiritual practices.

[Opening your third eye] can lead to a profound sense of spiritual connection and a greater understanding of your place in the universe.

Here’s what you need to know about how to open your third eye and its mental health benefits.

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Does a 'Third Eye' Really Exist?

The concept of a third eye is not based on scientific evidence but one that has existed throughout history in spiritual and religious traditions, such as Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism, and is believed to tie to a person’s intuition.

  • The third eye is believed to be an energy center located between your eyebrows.

  • It can be opened by activating the pineal gland through techniques like yoga and meditation.

  • It is a popular concept in religions like Hinduism and Taoism.

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What the 'Third Eye' Means in Different Religions

In Hinduism, the third eye is often represented by a tilaka, a small mark at the center of a person’s lower forehead, and is considered to be your body’s sixth primary chakra.

Buddhists associate the third eye with mindfulness and being awakened.

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You Can Explore the Third Eye By 'Opening' It

You can explore the third eye chakra’s role by “opening” it. “Through the activation of the third eye, you can tap into a deep sense of inner wisdom and connect with the divine energy that flows through all things,” says Raquel Rodriguez, an astrologer and founder of Your Zodiac. “This can lead to a profound sense of spiritual connection and a greater understanding of your place in the universe.”

You Can Activate the Third Eye Through the Pineal Gland

According to Rodriguez, the third eye opens when the pineal gland is activated. The pineal gland sits near the brain’s center, regulates your sleep cycle, and produces melatonin.

Holistic practitioners believe that when the pineal gland is activated, it can lead to a heightened sense of intuition, clarity of thought, and an increased awareness of one’s surroundings.

Why Opening Your Third Can Benefit Your Mental Health

Opening your third eye can deepen your spiritual connections and internal feelings. “The third eye is a crucial energy center that is vital to strengthening one's intuition and general mental and emotional intelligence,” says Angel Dawn, an international psychic astrologer, evidential psychic medium, and spiritual teacher. “It is also tied to the subconscious and accessing the memories that lie therein.”

Opening the Third Eye May Reduce Anxiety

Activating your third eye might help your mental health. “Holistic practitioners believe that when the pineal gland is activated, it can lead to a heightened sense of intuition, clarity of thought, and an increased awareness of one’s surroundings,” says Rodriguez. “

As a result of the above benefits, Rodriguez notes that an activated pineal gland will lead to a decrease in anxiety and depression thus bringing about a sense of inner peace.

Opening the Third Eye May Improve Your Imagination

According to Griff Williams, founder of MindEasy and a qualified meditation teacher with the British School of Meditation, opening your third eye can also improve your creativity, imagination, focus, and understanding of yourself.

Methods You Can Use to Open Your Third Eye

Utilizing your third eye requires taking the time and care to unlock it gently. Here are a few techniques that might open your third eye.

Yoga Poses

Yoga is a grounding practice that can calm your body, loosen your muscles, and allow you to come at daily life from a more welcoming, less frazzled place. It also can help with opening your third eye.

According to Rodriguez, certain poses, like downward-facing dog or child’s pose, “can help stimulate the pineal gland and activate the third eye.”

You can incorporate these into an existing practice or use them as an introduction to yoga.

Breathing Practices

The breath is a lifeline, a grounding force, and a tool to center yourself within your body. Taking the time to practice mindful breathing can aid in activating your third eye, says Williams.

Potential breathing techniques include alternate nostril breathing and diaphragmatic breathing.

  1. Coherent breathing

  2. Box breathing

  3. 4-7-8 breathing

  4. 3-part breathing

  5. Diaphragmatic breathing


The mind is an incredibly powerful force, and simply picturing something can cause the sensation to occur. “Visualization techniques involve imagining your third eye opening and becoming more receptive to spiritual energies,” says Rodriguez.

“[To visualize opening the third eye], Close your eyes and visualize a glowing, violet light at the center of your forehead. Imagine this light growing brighter and expanding, filling your entire head and body with a sense of awareness and clarity.”

This practice, in general, can be helpful in better understanding the potential positive effects of opening your third eye.


Few things can connect you with your body to the same extent as meditation. “Meditation is a powerful tool for quieting the mind and gaining a greater sense of awareness,” says Rodriguez.

The longer one can sit in meditation on a consistent basis, the more the third eye strengthens.

“To open your third eye through meditation, find a quiet place to sit and focus your attention on your breath. As you inhale and exhale, imagine a bright light entering through the top of your head and filling your entire body," says Rodriguez.

Williams recommends concentrating on the space between your eyebrows or adding that glowing light visualization in this space to unlock your third eye.

“The longer one can sit in meditation on a consistent basis, the more the third eye strengthens. Intuitive gifts blossom, and the inner knowing becomes clearer and clearer,” adds Dawn. She recommends exploring meditations that “emphasize connecting to the deepest parts of self and allowing for extended silence helps access the inner voice which is strongly connected to the third eye.”


The act of chanting is a key aspect of practices like meditation and yoga, so it’s no surprise that it can also help open your third eye. “Reciting specific mantras, like ‘Om’ or ‘Aum,’ can resonate with the third eye’s vibrational frequency, helping to open and activate it,” says Williams.

How Do You Know If Your Third Eye Is Open?

The signs of your third eye being open can differ from person to person. Some people might experience sensations at the spot, such as vibrations or pressure. You might also start having more vivid dreams or feel more connected to your intuition. Each person’s body is unique, as is the experience of opening the third eye.

Opening your third eye might have benefits to your mind and spirit. As you explore it, make sure to be respectful of the cultures from whom the idea stems.

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