Ontario County adds second date for free Newborn Care Class

Ontario County Public Health offers its first Newborn Care Class
Ontario County Public Health offers its first Newborn Care Class

Registration for Ontario County Public Health's first free Newborn Care Class in June filled up in 48 hours, but now a second date is being offered.

The class will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. on July 10 at the FF Thomson Hospital, 350 Parrish Street, Canandaigua, NY.

The class will cover various topics, from basic newborn safety to CPR demonstrations; however, no certifications will be granted. Here's what you can anticipate:

What is a Newborn Care Class? Why is it needed?

Christy Richards, Senior Health Educator for Ontario County Public Health, said the idea and need for this class developed from their work with the Finger Lakes Breastfeeding Partnership that started in 2014. Through focus groups and evaluations, Richards said they learned about the community's need for more affordable, hands-on childcare classes.

Richards, who holds Master's Degrees in both Public Health and Nursing Education, said she has been working alongside Rachel Jagger, a New York State Department of Health Fellow, to write the curriculum for the Newborn Care Class and their breastfeeding and childbirth classes.

"Between the two of us, we do all these classes and we try to get into any place that will let us as far as free venue," Richards said. "As long as people continue to come, we'll continue to offer these classes."

According to Richards, the curriculum will consist of everything you need to know for your baby's first year of life, along with some overlap topics from the breastfeeding and childbirth classes. Here are some of the issues you can expect in the class:

  • Newborn safety

  • bathing tips

  • swaddling tips

  • reducing the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS

  • working with a car seat technician

  • frequent diaper changing

  • An educational book program with the local library

Who can take the classes?

Richards said the newborn care class is open to expecting mothers and anyone interested in learning more about childcare. People from all counties are welcome to join.

It will be held in the conference room on the ground floor of FF Thompson Hospital in Canandaigua.

The free class registration is on their website.

If you cannot attend these classes, OCPH also offers Clinical Lactation Counselors who will conduct free at-home or telehealth visits for those struggling with breastfeeding issues.

"I've been working for Public Health for 15 years," Richards said. "It's taken me this long to be able to get this up and running, and it's going in the right direction."

— Madison Scott is a journalist with the Democrat and Chronicle who edited our Weld Street Project and also did reporting for it. She has an interest in how the system helps or doesn't help families with missing loved ones. She can be reached at MDScott@gannett.com.

This article originally appeared on Aberdeen News: Ontario County NY adds second date for free Newborn Care Class