It’s Only August, but These Hanukkah Songs Are Here to Get You in the Spirit

Photo credit: Khadija Horton
Photo credit: Khadija Horton

From Cosmopolitan

If you’re anything like me, Hanukkah is a holiday that holds tons of great childhood memories. I remember celebrating with my paternal grandmother, who would light the menorah in her home and make delicious food like brisket, potato latkes, and her famous cinnamon raisin noodle kugel. Basically, it was great. And despite being familiar with the majority of the holiday rituals, I wasn’t as familiar with the music (other than “Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel,” the ultimate classic). But Hanukkah actually has as many songs for celebrating as Christmas does. We’ve got traditional tunes, modern twists on classics, and contemporary hip-hop tunes (yes, seriously) that will make everyone happy.

Here’s a list of eight Hanukkah tunes that are as delicious as the holiday itself.

“Judah Maccabee, the Hammer,” by Peter and Ellen Allard

The OG duo of Jewish music for kids, Peter and Ellen Allard use this bluesy rock song to tell a story about Hanukkah. Fun fact: The rest of this album, Sing Shalom, Songs of the Jewish Holiday, takes on the rest of the holidays, so if you’re looking for something to spend the entire year listening to, look no further!

“Hanukkah Song Pt. I-IV,” by Adam Sandler

It’s hard to curate a Hanukkah songs list without including Adam Sandler’s hilarious comedy contributions to the genre. With the original song performed on SNL in 1994, Adam Sandler lyrically listed pretty much every famous Jewish person in Hollywood at the time, and then he made updated versions three times after that. If you’re looking for a laugh, he’s got you covered.

“Dreidel Trap,” by Meir Kay and Kosha Dillz

If you prefer your holiday songs to be rap- or trap-based (and who doesn’t?), this is for you. A remix is also available to listen to, because naturally!

“The Latke Song,” by Debbie Friedman

Yes, this song is about a holiday treat that’s used to push a message of social justice with a tinge of humor, but that’s why we love it.

“Hanukkah Blessing,” by Barenaked Ladies

Released from the holiday album Barenaked for the Holidays, this song is one of many that pays homage to Hanukkah.

“Pass the Candle (From Left to Right),” by Michelle Citrin

This song is basically one big reminder about the proper way to light menorah candles. The awesome beat and singsong lyrics will make sure you literally never forget the process.

“Oy Chanukah, Oy Chanukah!” by Klezmer Conservatory Band

This song documents alllll the activities that take place during Hanukkah (making latkes, dancing the hora, spinning the dreidel, and lighting the menorah). There are two versions that listeners can find: the popular English version and the classic Yiddish version.

“Give You Everything,” by Buzzy Lee

This song does what a lot of Christmas songs do: takes one person, the singer, and serves as a declaration of love from that singer to her partner during a holiday celebration, but this time it’s Hanukkah and not “All I Want for Christmas Is You.”

“Sing It Now, Sing It Somehow,” by The Flaming Lips

This psychedelic rock song gets at the real meaning of the holiday through lyrics like, “What is a life if it’s lived without love?” It’s part of a full album of Hanukkah songs called Hanukkah+, which features tracks from Haim and Jack Black, of all people.

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