One resistance band and these 8 exercises for fast full-body strength

 Woman doing a resistance band workout in the park
Woman doing a resistance band workout in the park

Can’t go to the gym? Don’t have access to a pair of dumbbells? No worries! You don’t actually need these if you want to build strength and muscle. In fact, in just 20 minutes you can improve your entire body composition using just a single pull-up resistance band, so grab yourself an exercise mat and give this fast full-body workout a go.

There’s often a misconception that if you want to build strength and muscle, that you need to be lifting weights – whether that be using a pair of dumbbells or an Olympic barbell and weight plates. But this just isn’t true. In fact, a 2019 study found that training with a resistance band actually provided similar strength gains to training with dumbbells and weight machines. So, there's no need to panic if you can't get to the gym or don't have access to this type of equipment.

This workout consists of eight different exercises, with a few of them combining two exercises into one movement. As some moves are performed on the floor you'll want something comfortable beneath you, as well as your best workout shoes, as some exercises require you to stand on the band. Make sure you use a long resistance band, like these ones from Bulldog Gear, as the small ones aren't suitable for this workout. Here's what you've got to do:

  • Two side steps into an upright row

  • Good mornings

  • Reverse lunge with a diagonal pull apart

  • Bicep curl

  • Overhead tricep extension

  • Leg kickback into push up

  • Seated row

  • Glute bridge

If you enjoyed that resistance band workout, then we've got plenty more here at T3, including this 15 minute workout for a stronger back and arms or this five-move leg workout. For those days you're not feeling as energetic and are after something a little 'lower impact', we've also got this floor resistance band workout, so you can still stay fit even on those lazier days.