The One Product You’re Missing in Your Skincare Routine

The One Product You’re Missing in Your Skincare Routine

Much like an unprimed wall painted in a semi-gloss hit with direct sunlight, your face too can reflect layers of build-up and texture no matter how many highlighting powders and hyaluronic acid serums you shellac onto your countenance.

While it may seem that there are countless avenues toward the ultimate, universal goal of “dewy” skin, you cannot walk down any of them without some form of daily exfoliation. Without this step, you are akin to a graffiti artist, painting over an uneven surface and attempting create effects on an imperfect canvas. While admirable for murals and other such public art, when it comes to your face, you want to adopt the practices and techniques of a professional house painter.

Paula’s Choice BHA Liquid is perhaps the easiest and most effective way we’ve seen to exfoliate, especially if you aren’t used to doing it daily. With this leave-on formula, all you need do is swipe it over your just-cleansed face via a cotton ball or round once in the morning and once at night. The Beta Hydroxy Acids will in turn dissolve dead skin cells preventing you from glowing like the ball of sunshine you are not to mention softening wrinkles and refining pore size.

WATCH: Secrets of Flawless Skin

After just a week of daily use, you’ll start to wake up to the kind of skin you only thought was possible with a steady diet of salmon and daily yoga classes. We like to follow it up with a few drops of Paula’s Choice 10% Niacinamide Booster, which also works towards keeping pores clear and blackhead free.

Whether you’re looking to create the effect of the Sistine Chapel with an Urban Decay palette or just wanting to even out your natural color with a pot of concealer, this exfoliant will ensure either. And with 20-percent off for Paula’s Choice 23rd anniversary, there’s no better time to try it.