The One Lipstick Patricia Clarkson Can't Live Without

It would have been easy to spotlight Patricia Clarkson's signature red hair in our "My Beauty Mark" series. But doing so would be an injustice to her poise, quick wit, and killer set of legs. So instead, we decided the Sharp Objects siren's real trademark is being a total fox. Here, she reflects on her hair evolution, the beauty products that make her feel most confident, and why she has no plans to stop wearing sexy dresses...

My earliest beauty memories... Are with my four older sisters. Growing up in the suburbs of New Orleans, I watched them mature in front of my eyes. I was eagerly awaiting when I would get to shave my legs and wear makeup and curl my hair. I remember the first time we all put [face] masks on together. We were definitely girlie girls.

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My hair color is... A part of me. After I was born, my grandfather called my mother and said, “I heard you have a strawberry.” I was a very strawberry-blond baby and girl. Now I have to maintain it — thank you, Clairol!

When I did my first movie... The Untouchables, they dyed it red. I’ve also dyed it brunette, but I’ll never do that again because it takes years to get rid of and you have to live with the awkward stages.

<p>Clarkson in <em>The Untouchables</em>. Photo: Paramount Pictures</p>

Clarkson in The Untouchables. Photo: Paramount Pictures

My beauty power move... Is wearing red lipstick; it’s amazing what it can do. If I’m running out the door and don’t have enough time to do full makeup, I just throw some red lipstick on and people are always like, “Oh my god, you look fabulous!” It’s a source of confidence.

I feel most confident when... I look my best, like when I’m on a red carpet. You’re honoring the great dress you’re wearing, and you have to be up for that. I’m thrilled to wear sexy dresses, but I still want them to be age-appropriate. I’m not going to wear one that’s cut right below my hoo-ha. But I also don’t want to be completely covered up.

True foxiness comes from... A joie de vivre. I’m drawn to the people in [my] industry who have a sense of humor about themselves. It’s a cliché, but I think true beauty has to come from a certain happiness you have about your life and yourself.

Patricia's Must-Haves:





