This Is the One Grocery Item I Buy Every Time I Go to Target

Add this to your shopping list, pronto.



If you’ve never thought to do a grocery run at Target, you’re missing out, especially if you have a sweet tooth like me. Target is home to some of the best treats and snacks there are, and you can often find items that are not yet sold in other local grocery stores. Whenever I catch wind of an exciting new snack or a brand collaboration, Target is the first place I look. And trust me, I’ll take any excuse to go to Target, including free coffee refills from the in-store Starbucks and scoring deals on favorite products.

Dessert has always been a staple of my diet, but in recent years, that dessert has been chocolate. So, when I saw that Target was selling what looked like frozen chocolate-covered raspberries, I knew I had to get my hands on some. The brand that carries them is Tru-Fru, and they are essentially hyper-frozen (aka frozen at an accelerated rate to avoid degeneration and maintain peak-freshness) raspberries that have been dipped in a layer of white chocolate, then in a layer of dark chocolate. They’re meant to be eaten frozen straight out of the bag, but you can also set them out to come to room temperature if you prefer.

These frozen chocolate raspberries are perfect for when you’re in the mood for something sweet, or when you’re craving a frozen treat such as ice cream but want a slightly healthier option. The white and dark chocolate perfectly complements the tartness of the raspberry, and the initial crunch of the hard chocolate shell makes you forget you’re eating fruit. Just beware–once the bag is open, it’s nearly impossible to put down.

Although the raspberries are–and forever will be–my favorite flavor, Tru-Fru has expanded into a full line of frozen chocolate-covered fruits and berries. They have chocolate-covered strawberries, blueberries, bananas, mangos, coconut, and peaches, so if you don’t like raspberries, chances are you’ll still be able to enjoy what Tru-Fru has to offer. Each fruit is also dipped in a variety of chocolates: some in white, milk, or dark chocolate, and some in a combination of two. These delectable treats may not be available at all Target locations, so check online to see if they’re in stock, or request them from your store.

Another reason I love Tru-Fru is that they’re an all-natural brand, make their products using sustainably sourced chocolate, and use all clean ingredients. Their treats are made with 100 percent real fruit and don’t use any artificial flavors or colors–all the more reason to pick up a bag the next time you feel a sweet tooth coming on.