One Georgia 6-Year-Old is Heading Back to School with a Very Important Message

Just like that, the summer is ending, and kids are heading back to school. Parents are gathering all of the items on classroom lists and shopping for school clothes to replace the ones that their children have outgrown over the summer break.

Fayettville, Georgia mom, Nikki Rajahn, owns a t-shirt printing business and wanted to send her son Blake back to class with a special treat. She told him he she would make him a t-shirt with any design he wanted on it to wear on the first day of school. She assumed he’d choose something related to sports.

"He thought a while and said 'I want a shirt that says 'I will be your friend' because I want anyone who has someone being mean to them or doesn't have any friends to know they have a friend already,"' Rajahn told Good Morning America.

She also told GMA that he chose bright colors so he would be easy to spot.

Rahjahn posted the sweet story on her company’s Facebook page.

Clearly touched by her son’s selfless act of kindness, she wanted to share with others and concluded her post with, “never underestimate your kid's heart for others! I love my sweet Blake!”

Her post went viral and requests to purchase shirts just like Blake’s keep pouring in and Rajhan is doing her best to keep up with demand. She is building a website to cater to the increase in orders, but in the meantime, can be reached via her Facebook page. She and Blake decided that a portion of the proceeds from Blake’s shirt sales would go to a local charity that is important to both of them, The Real Life Center.

"At vacation Bible school this summer they had a toothbrush and toothpaste drive for The Real Life Center, that helps individuals and families in crisis get back on their feet with supplies and training for the long term. As soon as he found out about the drive, he told us we had to go to the store to hurry up and buy some toothbrushes and toothpaste," Rajahn told GMA.

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"My hope for the post is for everyone to know that no matter their age, you can always have compassion and love for others," she added.