In One Ear: Avoiding huge ships

Cautionary rerun: As a maritime community, a good pertinent book to peruse is “How to Avoid Huge Ships,” by Capt. John W. Trimmer. The tome is readily available on Pictured, the book’s cover and a reader’s illustration of an imaginary diagram.

One would think avoiding huge ships would be as simple as one book reviewer snarked in the over 1,400 reviews: “This book could be summed up in three points. 1. Keep your eyes open 2. Lay off the booze 3. Repeat.” But actually, the book is a serious primer on how pleasure boaters can avoid being flattened by a huge ship.

However, several reviewers couldn’t resist venturing into the absurd: “I’m very much scared of ships. I live over 100 miles inland, and at 6,000 feet elevation, but one can never be too careful!” — Five out of five stars, R. McLaughlin (In One Ear, 2/22/13)