"One Day at a Time" Will Get a Season 4 on CBS's Pop After Being Cancelled By Netflix

This is not a drill!

Updated on November 11, 2019 at 9:40 a.m.

We're officially one step closer to the return of One Day at a Time. Following previous confirmation that a brand new season of the previously cancelled Netflix series would air on Pop TV, the crew has a release date.

At Vulture Festival over the weekend, the show's creator, Gloria Calderón Kellett, said the show is set to begin airing in March 2020. She didn't share an exact day in March for the premiere, but she did say that because the show is moving to Pop, new episodes would appear weekly instead of all at once like on Netflix. “We’re so excited," she said. “We get to have a breath between each episode.”

The cast and crew didn't reveal much else regarding possible storylines, but based on past reactions from fans, it's clear that many are excited to have the show back, regardless of what awaits them in the new season.


Fans of One Day at a Time officially have a reason to celebrate. After Netflix announced it was cancelling the series after three seasons, the much beloved reboot of the 1970s sitcom has found a new home.

Beginning in 2020, thirteen brand new episodes of the show are slated to air on Pop TV, Variety reports. As Vulture notes, Pop had previously expressed an interest in the series following its cancellation. The renewal would mark the first time that a Netflix series has gone on to air on cable television.

Showrunners Calderón Kellett and Mike Royce expressed their excitement over the news in a statement to Variety, saying, "We are thrilled beyond belief to be making more One Day At A Time. This show has meant so much to so many, and we can’t wait to dive in with our amazing new partners Pop and CBS. And we’d especially like to thank all of the fans for their undying support, helping us turn #SaveODAAT into #MoreODAAT.”

One Day at a Time executive producer Norman Lear also commented, noting that he was "heartbroken" when the show was cancelled. "Today, I’m overwhelmed with joy to know the Alvarez family will live on. Thank you to my producing partner, Brent Miller, our incredibly talented co-showrunners, Mike Royce and Gloria Calderón Kellett, and of course, Sony, for never once giving up on the show, our actors or the possibility that a cable network could finally save a cancelled series that originated on a streaming service. And one last thank you to, Pop, for having the guts to be that first cable network. Even this I get to experience – at 96."

Netflix had announced the show's cancellation in a tweeted statement on March 14. "We’ve made the very difficult decision not to renew One Day At A Time for a fourth season," the streaming service wrote. "The choice did not come easily — we spent several weeks trying to find a way to make another season work but in the end simply not enough people watched to justify another season."

News of the cancellation was met with widespread disappointment from fans, as many had found the series's portrayal of a Cuban-American family struggling with modern-day issues to be important and needed. As today's news of renewal spread on Twitter, many chimed in with support, saying, "I'M SO HAPPY I'M IN TEARS" and "BEST NEWS EVER NENDOSKDJSJD."

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Want more from Teen Vogue? Check this out: Netflix Cancelled "One Day At a Time" Because "Not Enough People Watched"

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