Once You Try Moscato Strawberries, You'll Never Look At Fruit The Same Way Again

Photo credit: Alexa Payesko
Photo credit: Alexa Payesko

From Delish


If there's anything I learned in 2017, it's that you all love moscato. Not just by the glass, but as cupcakes, Jell-O shots, truffles, andGiggle Juice, too. Nothing is off limits from the sweet wine - not even fruit.

BUY NOW: Barefoot Moscato, $14, drizly.com.

Photo credit: Alexa Payesko
Photo credit: Alexa Payesko

It's been awhile since we've made boozy fruit. Too long. And we couldn't believe we hadn't thought of Moscato Strawberries earlier. I'm truly sorry it took us so long! Although I'm sure you've been getting on just fine with our OG Drunken Strawberries and/or Prosecco Grapes just fine.

Photo credit: Alexa Payesko
Photo credit: Alexa Payesko

The process for infusing strawberries with moscato is the same. Just pour the booze over strawberries in a big bowl and let everything soak for at least an hour. (We wanted each strawberry to pack a serious punch so we added vodka here too.) Then, after draining the fruit, it's time to roll it in sugar. Pink sanding sugar isn't totally necessary, but it's highly recommended.

In the end, the strawberries taste like stronger moscato, thanks to the vodka. They're also sparkly and sweet, so you'll be feeling prettay goofy and giddy after a few.

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