Olympic Surfing Body Opposes Controversial, Reef-Destroying Aluminum Judging Tower at Teahupo'o

Amidst the hype and anticipation of surfing’s second appearance in the Olympics, a contentious controversy has emerged in the months leading up to the Games.

Olympic organizers wanted to replace the long-standing wooden tower on the reef at Teahupo’o, Tahiti, far from the host city of Paris, yet the venue where surfing will be held for the 2024 Games. But local surfers pushed back, claiming the aluminum tower would instigate irreversible damage to the pristine reef. A tit for tat ensued.

Now, the International Surfing Association (ISA), which is the governing body for Olympic surfing, is standing with the surfers, officially opposing the tower.

In a statement, the ISA wrote:

“On December 9th, the ISA sent a proposal to the French Polynesian Government and Paris 2024 organizers to run the Olympic Surfing competition in Teahupoo, without building a new aluminum tower on the reef.

“The ISA proposal included judging the competition remotely, with live images shot from land, water and drones.

“Subsequently the French Polynesian Government decided to go forward with a plan to build a new aluminum tower on the reef.

“The determination that the existing wooden judging tower, used up until August 2023, was not legally compliant, was taken by the Government of French Polynesia.

“We are ready to work together with all the stakeholders in the best interests of the sport, the environment and the local community.”

The ISA also offered alternatives to the aluminum tower, including a tower on land, a “reduced” platform for cameras, boats in the channel, drones, etc.

“We believe a fair and accurate competition can be run,” the ISA continued.

Stay tuned.


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