Olympic Snowboarder Takes On Iconic Mega Ramp on a Skateboard

This summer, Sean Fitzsimmons has been on a wild ride, making the rest of us wonder if we're just riding tricycles in comparison. From soaring through the air with the YouTubers The Sickos in Hood River and doing a double backflip off a winch hanging from a bridge to conquering Elliot Sloan's mega-ramp like it's his morning coffee run, Fitzsimmons is rewriting the book of gravity. He's not just a legend; he's a one-man show of gravity-defying stunts.

His flawless execution of a frontside 360 followed by a substantial frontside air on the expansive quarter pipe, seamlessly transitioning into an air over the tabletop and culminating with another substantial backside air, highlights his exceptional talent. It is worth noting the rarity of a snowboarder achieving such proficiency on a skate mega-ramp, emphasizing Fitzsimmons' remarkable accomplishment in this realm.

In 2022, he had the honor of being a prominent representative for his nation in the Winter Olympics. Particularly noteworthy is FitzSimons' notable triumph on January 15, 2022, when he clinched the top position in the men's slopestyle competition at the Laax Open. His exceptional display earned him an impressive score of 80.91 points, propelling him to a fourth-place ranking within the U.S. and an eighth-place ranking globally. As a result, he effectively earned his spot to compete proudly for the United States in the prestigious 2022 Winter Olympics.

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