Olivia Wilde Will Reportedly Direct a Secret Marvel Movie With a Female Superhero

Olivia Wilde has quickly become one of the most sought-after directors in Hollywood after the critical (if not box office) success of Booksmart, a movie that, if you haven’t seen, you really must.

Now Deadline is reporting that she will be the latest woman to enter the world of big-budget comic book movies, directing a secret project for Sony focused on a female Marvel superhero. The project will also see Wilde reunited with Katie Silberman, who worked on the final revisions of the Booksmart script.

“The project has been a high priority since the top of the year, and Wilde came close to passing on it as her dance card has begun to fill up quite quickly,” Deadline wrote. “At the end of the day, the idea of having a chance to launch her own female superhero was too hard to pass up, and she eventually came around to fully committing to the project.”

While Sony Pictures didn’t comment on the scoop, Wilde gave fans a big hint as to the superhero involved with a simple tweet. She quote-tweeted Deadline with a simple spider emoji, furthering speculation that the movie will center on Spider-Woman. 

She also joked about not being able to say more. 

People online got very excited about this news. 

Spider-Woman has been the alter ego for various women in the Spidey-verse over the years, including Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane Watson, and Jessica Drew. So if this is a Spider-Woman film, it will be interesting to see which direction Olivia Wilde and Katie Silberman choose to take the story. Of course, the casting process will likely be highly scrutinized, but we can’t wait to see how this all plays out. 

Earlier this month, it was reported that Nia DaCosta will be helming the Captain Marvel sequel starring Brie Larson. It’s fantastic to see more female-centered stories, told through a female-centered lens, in the world of comic book movies, which currently dominate the Hollywood landscape. 

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Originally Appeared on Glamour