Olivia Rodrigo Sings About Coffee And Strawberry Ice Cream In Her New Album 'SOUR'

Photo credit: YouTube/Olivia Rodrigo
Photo credit: YouTube/Olivia Rodrigo

Yes, I am 24 years old, and yes, I have become way too invested in Olivia Rodrigo's love life along with the rest of the internet (*cough* lookin' at you, Joshua Bassett). Welp, today we finally get to learn even more about the inner workings of her genius teenage mind and her heartbreak because Olivia's debut studio album Sour is officially out and if her three singles are any indication...the world is going to be obsessed.

I couldn't help but notice that in between her references to relationship drama, "that blonde girl," and overall feminine angst there were a lot of food analogies too. Here's a list of all of the lyrics containing food references and metaphors from Sour. Consider me FED! My weekend plans include streaming this on repeat until I know all the words. Feel free to do the same xox.


I'm so insecure I think/

That I'll die before I drink

My heart! She's 18 years old, which means she's got a couple years until she can legally take a drink, but I have a feeling this teenage heartbreak will wear into character development by then.

Deja Vu

Car rides to Malibu/

Strawberry ice cream, one spoon for two

Strawberry ice cream in Malibu/

Don't act like we didn't do that shit too

Not shocked that Miss Olivia chooses strawberry ice cream as her flavor (me too, girl), but the idea of liking someone so much she'd share it with them?! U g h.

Good 4 U

Maybe I'm too emotional/

But your apathy's like a wound in salt

Honorable mention: the bag of Smartfood popcorn she bought in the music video to distract from the jug of gasoline...

Enough For You

And I knew how you took your coffee/

And your favorite songs by heart

Is there any intimacy quite like knowing how someone takes their morning bev?

Hope Ur Ok

I knew a boy once when I was small/

A towhead blond with eyes of salt

Salt metaphors get me every time and this song was the most beautiful outro to the masterpiece that is SOUR.

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