Olivia Jade Is Reportedly Holding a Grudge Against Lori Loughlin for the College Admissions Scandal

Photo credit: JEAN-BAPTISTE LACROIX - Getty Images
Photo credit: JEAN-BAPTISTE LACROIX - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

  • Olivia Jade reportedly still holds some resentment against Lori Loughlin.

  • She's also reportedly never going back to the University of Southern California.

The college admissions scandal made headlines back in March, but Olivia Jade is nowhere near getting over what her mom, Lori Loughlin, allegedly did to scam her way into the University of Southern California. Which, fair. Olivia repeatedly said that she didn't even care about school in the first place because she was a blossoming YouTuber. So, you could understand why some new sources are saying she's definitely holding a grudge against her mom for (allegedly) getting her all wrapped up in this mess.

At one point, Olivia and Lori weren't talking at all, but according to Entertainment Tonight, they've been going to therapy, and "have been communicating and things have improved." (They didn't mention if Olivia had any beef with her dad, Mossimo Giannulli, who was also reportedly involved in the scam too.)

While that's great news, Olivia may forgive, but she'll never forget what this scandal has done to her career. I mean, girlfriend was dropped from some major beauty campaigns and deals faster than she could say, "WTF, Aunt Becky!" The source explained, "Olivia has forgiven her, but she still carries some resentment because she realizes that this scandal has marked her and will never entirely go away."

But there's one thing Olivia reportedly doesn't care about all that much, and that's returning to USC. "She never wanted to attend USC to begin with, and now she is sure that USC isn't the place for her," they said. "Right now her goal is to rebuild her brand and her business."

As for what she'll do next, Olivia is apparently taking business advice from her designer dad and is thinking about starting her own brand.

Lori and Mossimo are due in court on October 2, so Olivia might want to stock up on those business tips, juuuuust in case things don't go as planned.

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