Oldest Living Veteran Swears By Coffee And Whiskey

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Delish

When you're 112 years old, you should be able to do whatever the heck you want. Anyone with that much life experience has earned the right to smoke 12 cigars a day, start the morning off with a cinnamon roll, and refer to Dr. Pepper as "sweet juice." Just ask Richard Overton.

In a interview with The Dallas Morning News published days before Overton's 112th birthday, America's oldest living man (and oldest veteran) shared what his days and diet are like, and the answers are far from what you'd expect.

His morning starts off with something sweet - he likes waffles, cinnamon rolls, and pancakes - plus several cups of coffee, served with three spoonfuls of sugar and a plastic straw. Throughout the day, in between smoking up to 12 Tampa Sweet Perfecto cigars, he sips on Dr. Pepper and whiskey Cokes. For dessert, ice cream and peach cobbler are often on deck.

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Photo credit: Getty Images

All this clearly doesn't scream the picture of health, but hey, the man is 112. Respect your elders, and their wishes. Plus, it's unlikely Overton, who served in World War II, ate like this all his life.

Either way, the routine doesn't seem to be slowing him down. According to The Dallas Morning News, Overton traveled to Memphis, TN last year for a family reunion, and has met with several celebrities, athletes, and politicians, including Steve Harvey and former President Barack Obama. When Harvey asked him for the secret to a long life, he said this: "Just keep living, don't die." Sounds like Overton and Matthew McConaughey would be fast friends.

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