What Are Some Nostalgic Things That Newer Generations Are Totally Missing Out On?

As time passes by and the world evolves, there are some truly magical things that the younger crowd will sadly not get to experience.

Aidy Bryant talks about something that "was awesome" in an "SNL" skit
Aidy Bryant talks about something that "was awesome" in an "SNL" skit

Broadway Video / Via giphy.com

So, members of older generations, tell us about the things you used to enjoy that younger generations are losing out on.

A grandfather, his son and granddaughter watch the sunset by the water
Ippei Naoi / Getty Images

Maybe you loved going to Blockbuster and picking out a couple of movies to watch for a Friday night back in the day, pre-Netflix.

A Blockbuster in Australia is pictured
Photon-photos / Getty Images

Or, you might have looked forward to browsing through the various sections of the now-discontinued Sears catalog.

Women's dresses are displayed in a Sears catalog from1993
eBay / Via ebay.com

It could be that you would always get super excited to view the Saturday morning cartoon lineup, such as The Jetsons, The Smurfs, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and more.

The Smurfs gather and listen to Papa Smurf
Jade Animation / Via youtube.com

Older generations, what are the things that used to exist that newer generations are missing out on? You can share your answer in the comments below or anonymously via this Google form here, and your response may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!