How old is too old for trick or treating?

Trick or treating is as much fun for the kids getting candy as it is for the adults walking around with them. Going house to house, dressed up in costume and admiring all of the outdoor Halloween decorations—you’ve got to admit, there’s excitement in the air all night long. It’s only natural to want to hold on to the child-like wonder of it all and continue making memories but how old is too old for trick or treating?

It’s a question that pops up every year as parents navigate the changing landscape that comes with older kids. According to TODAY, their ongoing live poll asking people if there should be an age limit for trick or treating revealed that about 46% of surveyors believe there is no age limit. Another survey conducted by YouGov also showed interesting results.

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When kids stop trick or treating maybe it’s more about the fact that they get to an age where they’re invited to parties or would rather have Halloween movie marathons with friends than it is about feeling too old to trick or treat. It could be that age isn’t a factor so much as having other options in the way tweens or teens want to spend their night.

If your child want to dress up and go trick or treating with their friends or family, what’s the harm? If anything, it’s a chance for them to hold on to childhood just a little bit longer.

Age limit for trick or treating

Even though surveys show that some people think there is no age limit for trick or treating, there are some states that have laws about this. Yes, actual laws that designate how old is too old for trick or treating. Here are a few:

  • Chesapeake, Virginia: trick or treaters must be 14 and under.

  • Charleston, South Carolina: trick or treaters must be 16 and under.

  • St. Michaels, Maryland: trick or treaters must be 12 and under.

Seeing an adult or teen in a scary mask walking towards you at night would scare the living lights out of many people, not to mention the little ones who might already be anxious about the night as it is. And that’s probably why a lot of states have laws about older trick or treaters wearing masks. A tasteful Halloween costume that won’t make someone call for help might be the way to go. What do you think?