Old Rampage Line Claims Another Victim

The Utah desert is the gold standard in mountain bike progression. However, that progression also comes with a healthy dose of consequence.

The rule of thumb for riding down there is to push yourself, but only push yourself if you're feeling 100% locked in and the conditions are right. Carina Claassen broke that rule by trying to ride a line she was working with too little light and paid the price for it.

Take a look at what happened below

"It started getting dark and my goggles were tinted so I was dropping without them for a while. Then silly me decided to put them on for one run to bring them to the bottom. Hard to say for sure how much that contributed to the crash, but I think it messed with my depth perception and I ended up braking off the drop instead of pulling up on the bike. And unfortunately there’s a pretty low margin of error on that feature.

The damage? I broke my wrist pretty good… both the radius and the ulna. The radius was majorly displaced; they knocked me out at the hospital to reduce it (set it back in place) and it’ll definitely need surgery. Hoping for no additional damage in the hand. It seems like I also have a partial AC tear in my other shoulder and I broke another rib."
- Carina Claasen via Instagram

There really isn't much to say that Carina didn't address in her comments on the incident. There's an implicit risk riders assume when they ride the Virgin, Utah area and injuries like this just come with the territory. Carina is on the road to recovery now and we wish her a smooth comeback.

Related: Accessible Rampage Feature Claims Another Victim

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