Is It OK to Have Dutch Bros Every Day? Here's What Registered Dietitians Say

Dutch Bros Coffee drive up

For many people, their morning isn’t complete without a stop by Dutch Bros. The coffee chain specializes in specialty caffeinated drinks, like their Dutch Freezes (blended coffee drinks with flavorings), Dutch Frosts (a twist on the classic milkshake), and seasonal drinks (right now, you’ll find a hazelnut truffle mocha, candy cane cold brew and candy cane cocoa all on their menu—not to mention what's on the Dutch Bros secret menu!).

Having something sweet to sip on can make the workday more bearable and it can make a weekend morning feel even more celebratory and special. But have you ever wondered how having Dutch Bros every day can impact your health? Here, three registered dietitians reveal exactly that.

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How Having Dutch Bros Every Day Can Impact Short-Term Health

For many people, the appeal of a flavored coffee drink isn’t just the taste; it’s the hope that the drink will provide them with a much-needed energy boost. Registered dietitian Amanda Baker Lemein, RD, says that this energy boost is exactly what most people will get from the drink shortly after drinking it. “Consuming a drink high in sugar will likely give someone a bit of an energy ‘boost’ as the sugar in these drinks provides calories, which are a unit of energy. Additionally, because sugar is a simple carbohydrate, it is digested easily and quickly by the body, providing a fast source of energy,” she explains.

Registered dietitian Cara Harbstreet, RD, agrees, saying, “Caffeine is a natural stimulant and one of the most commonly consumed stimulants in the world given the perennial popularity of coffee. Sugary additives contain simple carbohydrates, which are quick to digest but even more so when we drink them in a beverage that goes down easily.”

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However, both dietitians say that a crash is inevitable. “Because sugar is digested so quickly, many experience a ‘crash’ after this quick burst and often feel worse after consuming a large amount of sugar due to the high peak followed by low dip in blood glucose,” Leiman says.

Besides experiencing the ups and downs of the energy roller coaster, Delish Knowledge registered dietitian Alex Caspero, RD, points out that as a nutrient-void drink, you aren’t getting very much nutritional bang for your buck. “With beverages especially, it's harder to feel as full on a drink compared to eating a 320-calorie item. Your body registers fullness through both volume and type of food eaten. Chewing and eating food tend to help satisfy hunger more easily than sipping,” she says.

To her point, you’re likely to feel more satiated from eating two eggs mixed with cheese and veggies than drinking a mocha, even though the two have a similar calorie content.

Besides impacting energy levels, Caspero says that enjoying a Dutch Bros drink every day could lead to weight gain—primarily because of the added sugar. But Harbstreet explains it’s important to consider what else someone is eating and drinking throughout the day too. “The context matters, including what else you eat or drink that day, if it’s a habit versus an occasional indulgence, and whether it’s replacing another potentially more nourishing option,” she shares.

In fact, Carbstreet emphasizes that there is absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying a sugary coffee drink. “We eat or drink for more reasons than nutrition alone. If we’re aware of the outcomes mentioned, [such as] fluctuating blood glucose levels or [possibly developing a] reliance on caffeine, a sugary coffee drink once in a while is not cause for major concern.”

That said, it’s important to know how a Dutch Bros drink could impact your health long-term, if you do have it every day.

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How Having Dutch Bros Every Day Can Impact Health Long-Term

All three dietitians say that the main issue with having a Dutch Bros drink every day is the added sugar content. “According to the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the recommended limit for added sugar is 10% or less of total calories. A single sugary coffee drink can provide all of that and then some depending on the menu item.” She says that excessive added sugar intake is associated with a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease or dental health issues—all claims a wealth of scientific studies have backed up.

Lemein agrees, saying, “Long-term, consuming this much sugar daily may impact blood glucose regulation and may also result in excess glucose beyond what is stored as glycogen in our muscles, which can lead to high triglycerides—a risk factor for heart disease and stroke.”

This can be disheartening to hear if you love Dutch Bros drinks. But all three dietitians offer up advice on making your order healthier. First, Lemein says to opt for a small size. This will allow you to still enjoy the drink of your choice, only a more moderate serving. Next, she says to pay attention to what else you’re eating throughout the day—and to be especially mindful of your sugar intake. If you minimize sugar in the rest of your drinks, meals and snacks, you could enjoy a small Dutch Bros drink while still following the dietary guidelines.

If the option is available to you, Caspero recommends asking for a sugar-free version of the drink you want. “You can substitute sugar-free syrups for many of these sugary beverage items. And you can try slowly reducing the amount of total syrup to help your taste buds adjust,” she says. “For example, if there are four pumps of syrup in a latte, then try ordering with just three, and then two. As your tastes adjust to less-sweet beverages, you can slowly decrease the amount of added sugar in these drinks.”

You don’t have to go without Dutch Bros completely in order to be healthy. The key is being mindful of how it fits into your diet in terms of what else you’re eating and drinking throughout the day. And it’s also important to recognize the drinks for what they are: a delicious treat.

Next up, here are 15 low-calorie Starbucks drinks to try.
