OK, What Does 'TMI' Mean on Social Media, Exactly?

Instagram and TikTok are filled with plenty of Gen Z slang, coded phrases and certain acronyms. While many people use these terms on a regular basis, for others, it's like a different language. So, if you find yourself scratching your head, don't worry—we'll fill you in on TMI's meaning.

"Wow, TMI," you might hear someone say out loud, or see someone type as a comment on social media. Maybe it's said before diving into a story, otherwise: "Ok, TMI, but here's what happened..." Clearly, it's an abbreviation that enough people are familiar with to make it require no further explanation when it's used online or IRL (in real life).

But for those of us who are confused as we scroll or listen, sometimes an explanation is actually super helpful. So, let's get into it.

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What Does 'TMI' Mean?

"TMI" means "too much information." This term is normally used either as a response to someone oversharing, or it's used by the speaker/poster themselves as a warning (whether serious or lighthearted) before sharing what could be seen as personal or private details about their life.

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Where Did the Slang 'TMI' Come From?

"TMI" was first defined on Urban Dictionary in 2002 after being used in the late 1990s and early 2000s as internet slang.

That first definition was by user DocGonzo, which explained "TMI" as: "way more than you need/want to know about someone."

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What Is TMI in a Relationship?

TMI in a relationship, specifically, likely refers to one person oversharing details about their past relationships with their new flame. They don't need to hear details upon detail about your ex or previous flings—unless there's an important reason for sharing.

"TMI" in the context of relationships can also mean that you're sharing overly-personal details about your relationship with friends, family and/or coworkers.

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How Do You Respond to TMI?

When someone is sharing details about their life that make you uncomfortable—whether it's regarding bodily fluids or functions, dynamics of their relationship, personal family drama or other categories you personally would view as "off-limits" in your friendship, the easiest way to let them know you're uncomfortable with the topic is to simply say some variation of: "Yikes—TMI."

Next: What Does 'TL;DR' Mean? Plus, Here's When You'll Definitely Want To Avoid Using It