Oh Snap, Khloé Just Called Tristan Thompson's Behavior "F*cked up and Disgusting"

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

What did you do this weekend? Because while I was eating leftovers and questioning all my life decisions, Kendall Jenner was busy heckling Tristan Thompson at a basketball game. To be clear, the reason for said heckling was totally drama-free and all in good fun-Tristan was playing against Kendall's kinda-sorta-maybe boyfriend Ben Simmons!

The thing is, some fans were very confused and took all of this extremely seriously-making it into a total thing about Khloé's relationship with Tristan.

Khloé cleared some things up in response to the tweet above, calling Tristan's actions "fucked up and disgusting" and saying that they've been through "countless hours of help."

It appears as though Khloé and Tristan are still together (at least based on the fact that they spent Thanksgiving together), but clearly KoKo isn't about to give him a free pass for his behavior.

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