19 People Who Are Having A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Week Than You

19 People Who Are Having A Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way, Way Worse Week Than You

If you just had yourself a no-good, terrible, soul-crushing week, just remember...

1.The person whose DVD collection just got a whole lot saucier:

spaghetti that fell on dvds

2.The person whose potluck will now be taking place inside their Nissan Altima:

queso dip spilled in a car

3.The person whose shirt got wrinkled beyond human comprehension:

very wrinkled shirt tied into a knot in a dryer

4.The person whose cake has an extra-special ingredient:

candles melted into a cake

5.The person who will be getting their daily serving of iron lickety-split:

nail found in Chinese takeout

6.The person whose dogs will unequivocally be barking something fierce posthaste:

Theater chairs with very little space

7.The person whose coffee went absolutely nuclear in the microwave:

coffee that exploded in a microwave

8.The person who learned a bald guy lesson as old as time itself:

bald guy with sunburn on his head

9.The person whose hamburger ham-burned them bad:

hamburger bun with mold on it

10.The person who is now part Q-tip:

Q-tip missing a tip

11.The person with the worst avocado luck imaginable:

Huge avocado pit

12.The person who was kind enough to share their toothbrush with a friendly little guy:

Large bug on a toothbrush

13.The person who had a bona fide cheesecake tragedy happen to them:

Cheesecake smattered on the kitchen floor

14.The person who learned the true power of legumes that day:

person who tried to crush peanuts with a pan and it broke the pan handle

15.The person whose day is going to look a lot less Ilya Kovalchuk and a little more Scott Hamilton:

Broken hockey puck

16.The person who loves their dog very much, I'm sure:

Dog who clearly ate part of a burrito someone was saving

17.The person who was defeated by a most mighty squash:

Knife broke off into a squash

18.The person who will never, ever be tasked with carrying the donuts ever again:

Donuts carried vertically that mushed together in the box

19.And the person who...the person who...oh LORD:

Fingernail found in a sandwich