Here’s How Often You Should Really Be Vacuuming, According To An Expert

There's several factors to consider.

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Vacuuming is one of the most polarizing chores on our household to-do lists—you either love it or love to hate it. While we like to grab a pair of earbuds and crank up the tunes or play our latest audiobook obsession to make this important household task more fun, most of us are likely not vacuuming enough—especially if we have little ones or hard floors. We tapped Lori Williamson, cleaning expert for @nowitsclean, to guide us in determining how often we really need to be vacuuming our homes to keep our families healthy and our floors looking fresh.

“Every household is different, so there isn’t a one-size fits all answer,” says Williamson. “You really have to assess what each household requires.”

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Factors To Consider

Williamson says that there are several main factors to consider when determining how often you should really be vacuuming, and that can even depend on the room. First, if you have hard floors like wood or tile, she suggests vacuuming on a daily basis or at least several times a week to pick up lingering dust, hair, dirt, and debris before they get visible and unmanageable. However, if your home is carpeted or a specific room is mainly covered with an area rug, you may only need to vacuum weekly. 

“Additionally, if your household is a busy one with crawling little ones, several kids, and/or pets, vacuuming on a frequent basis might be best,” says Williamson.

Having a designated place for the whole family to take their shoes off when coming indoors can help prevent constant vacuuming, and there’s no need to be afraid to ask guests to remove theirs as well. OP Almaraz, CEO of Allied Restoration Inc., previously told that outdoor shoes can actually leave traces of unwanted dirt, including dust, bacteria, and viruses, so this simple step can do wonders for the health of your floors, household, and company.

Having the Right Tools on Hand

Bustling households may want to consider investing in a robotic vacuum cleaner (or two!) to further extend the time between manual cleaning and Williamson also loves having a wet-dry vacuum mop to do double duty in the kitchen or other heavily trafficked areas with hard floors to clean up major messes in a hurry.

Additionally, it’s important to consider the fact that you’re really only as good as your vacuum, and it may be time for an upgrade or at least a vacuum deep clean. You can check out Williamson’s Amazon storefront for all her floor cleaning favorites that include vacuum options for pet owners, those with hardwood floors, and more. If you’re in the market for something more budget-friendly, check out our favorite under $100 picks, and if you’re short on space, you’ll love our editor-tested cordless picks. Plus, you may also want to consider investing in a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter, as Adriana Aziz of MaidForYou previously told that these types of cleaners prevent pollen, dust, and other exhaust from spitting out of your vessel during the cleaning process. And who wants an inefficient clean?

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