It’s official: smoking isn’t sexy anymore

woman smoking, close up on smoke and mouth
It’s official: smoking isn’t sexy anymoreFabio Formaggio / EyeEm - Getty Images

New data has confirmed that as well as being terrible for your health, smoking may also be extinguishing your love life.

Once considered the epitome of chic (thanks, Grease), ciggies now seem to be recognised for the annoying, costly habit that they are. People on dating apps who tagged themselves as ‘smokers’ as opposed to ‘non-smokers’ or ‘occasional smokers’ received 52.7% fewer matches than non/occasional smokers, according to a study carried out by the dating app Dua - which allows users to state on their profile whether they do or don’t smoke. Dua, a website that allows you to connect with community from around the world based on shared languages and find love, analysed data from their 460,000 users to get the results.

Their analysis also found that gender may play a role, with women who described themselves as non-smokers receiving 63.6% more matches than women who do smoke.

Meanwhile, smoking seems to have less of a impact on men’s attractiveness, with men who smoke only receiving 48.4% fewer matches - although this is still significant.

“Although the findings confirm what many already assume, the statistics are still surprising, indicating that a healthy lifestyle not only enhances your wellbeing but also has a positive impact on your love life,” said Eduard Luta, a spokesperson for Dua.

Smoking has been steadily declining in the UK since it was banned in public spaces in 2007. In 2021, the ONS reported the lowest demographic of smokers since records began, with only 6 million over-18s reporting that they smoke habitually.

However, the last few years has seen a huge increase in vaping - although there are still fewer people who vape than smoke in the UK, at around 3.2 million adults. While there isn’t any data on whether it makes you less attractive (and few apps let you specific vaping rather than smoking), we don’t know if creating a blueberry-scented humidity on par with a rainforest in your local pub is the sexiest thing in the world.

If you need help to finally snub out the habit (and potentially spark up your love life in the process), you can find free support via the NHS.

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