Octopus' Fantastic Party Trick Keeps Him Out of Sight While He Moves Around

If you're looking for one of the coolest, most fascinating creatures in the sea, it's probably the octopus. Not only do they have all those arms, but they can also change colors, and squeeze into even the tiniest, tightest spots. They're fun to watch, and this video that @Unilad shared recently is proof!

In the video, we see a day octopus in Bali, Indonesia out and about probably looking for something to eat. As he moves along the ocean floor, we see him changing colors to blend in with his surroundings. It's a party trick that I could watch all day!

Wow! The octopus has built in camouflage like a chameleon! In one of the video's comments, Unilad shares, "This playful day octopus was giving us a fun and exciting display yesterday on Amed Pyramids!" I wish I could've been down under the sea watching it myself! It's crazy how fast he can change his colors. Watching him squeeze himself under that tiny rock was pretty impressive as well!

Commenters were also fascinated by the Cephalopoda's colorful display. @ozbora21 pointed out, "It has environmental awareness!" @alpha.november made me laugh when he said, "Bro started using AI even before humans." @m.zeemo isn't wrong when he added, "Humans are already good at it. The blend in plain sight and pounce at the first opportunity to stab". And I can't help but agree with @liamworrallax's observation, "The most alien like creature on this planet".

Whether you're a fan of the octopus or not, you've gotta admit they're very interesting to watch. This is one animal that I would spend hours following around given the opportunity!

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