Your October Horoscope Brings Dramatic Life Changes, Thanks to Eclipse Season

Spooky season has arrived and so has your October 2023 horoscope for each zodiac sign. However, none of that compares to eclipse season (which is arguably even spookier!). Either way, it’s officially time to start pulling the skeletons out of your closet. This crisp autumn air is heavy with cosmic chaos, and the planets certainly have a few tricks and treats in store.

October finds us in the midst of Libra season—a time when harmony, justice, and social grace reigns supreme. Chatty Mercury joins the sun in Libra on October 4, bringing this air sign’s charm and diplomacy to our communication styles and blessing us with the ability to fairly consider all sides of a situation.

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The second week of October has some shifts in store when it comes to love, sex, and power. On October 8, love planet Venus hits earthy Virgo after spending four long months in Leo. Being practical and service-oriented  in relationships can go a long way through the rest of the month. Two days later, intensity-loving Pluto wraps up its annual retrograde, quietly pushing us forward on our transformative inner journeys. Then on October 12 at 12:04 am ET, passion-fueled Mars hits Scorpio, kicking off an invigorating six-week-long stretch that enables us to be more strategic and incisive when it comes to executing our goals. Mars forms a lucky trine with get-sh*t-done Saturn as it enters Scorpio, making this ingress a wonderful time to take action toward long-term plans.

Don’t jump into anything too quickly, though, because the solar eclipse in Libra on October 14 could toss us a cosmic curveball. This new moon eclipse joins forces with mental Mercury, so some important new information could emerge now or you may suddenly feel compelled to speak out about what’s in your heart. Look forward to some post-eclipse clarity during the Mercury cazimi in Libra around October 19 and 20. The sun and Mercury will be activating the South Node of Fate, shedding some new light on the events of the prior weekend’s eclipse—and perhaps foreshadowing the upcoming one, too.

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Scorpio’s powerful and mysterious energy starts fully seeping into the scene once Mercury descends into the cosmic scorpion cave on October 22 at 2:49 a.m. ET. The sun follows suit the very next day, kicking off Scorpio season 2023. The sun and Mercury form powerful trines with responsible Saturn as the season begins, strengthening our resolve to tap into our emotional power sources and face our fears. Don’t shy away from the truth that lies beneath the surface of things—hidden gems can only be uncovered if you’re willing to dig for them.

A solar eclipse in Libra takes place on October 14 and a lunar eclipse in Taurus arrives on October 28.

Halloween weekend is an intense one, as a powerful full moon eclipse in Taurus hits on October 28, giving us one last chance to let go of the past and embrace our recent metamorphosis. This lunation marks the final chapter in the Taurus/Scorpio eclipse journey that we’ve been on for the past two years—and thanks to the moon’s conjunction with expansive Jupiter, the end of this story might be a showy and dramatic one! The month wraps up with a thrilling sense of unpredictability thanks to a trine between benefic planets Venus and Jupiter on Halloween. Enjoy the heart-fluttery magic of this fun and freaky cosmic connection—and look out for some sweet Halloween surprises!

How the Planets Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign This Month

Read on for your full horoscope for the month of October 2023, according to your sun sign and/or rising sign:



Intensity turns up on a notch once the new moon solar eclipse in Libra hits on October 14. This solar eclipse could rock your relationships, challenging you to let go of past heartaches and betrayals to make room for more aligned emotional commitments. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



The month wraps up with a transformational lunar eclipse in your sign on October 28. This highly personal lunation is aligning with expansive planet Jupiter, making this a time of major spiritual growth and release. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



A solar eclipse in Libra arrives October 14, which is a powerful time to start recovering from dreams that may have been crushed long ago and open your heart to new inspiration. The Mercury cazimi on October 20 is a good time to process whatever information—intuitive or external—that came through during the eclipse. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



Tending to personal matters through the first half of the month is good, as the solar eclipse in Libra on October 14 could bring up some deep memories around lost opportunities or trigger fears around not being able to live up to your expectations. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



The first week of October also brings some destiny-aligning magic, as romantic Venus in your sign makes a lucky trine to the North Node of Fate—blessing you with the power to attract meaningful new adventures, expansive relationships, and personal growth opportunities. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



Charge your social battery, because the last third of the month inspires you to connect with the world around you. Venus in Virgo blows a kiss to abundant Jupiter on October 22, giving you loads of luck in romance and relationships. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



The lunar eclipse in Taurus on October 28 hits your intimate eighth house, pushing you to shed subconscious fears, release energetic baggage, and face your inner truth. This lunation drags every last monster out from under the bed—but once it does, you can kick them out for good. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



You’ll need the energy as we enter eclipse season, which kicks off with the solar eclipse in Libra on October 14. This supercharged new moon is hitting you on a more personal and intuitive level, so introspective time is good. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



Scorpio season begins on October 23, at which point the sun will catch up to mental Mercury and ambitious Mars in your introspective twelfth house. After a highly social month, you may want to use this last stretch of October as a time to recharge your batteries and catch up on rest. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



Enjoy the good vibes throughout the first week of Scorpio season, but prepare yourself for some intensity, too. The lunar eclipse in Taurus on October 28 is pushing you toward expressing yourself more authentically, for all the world to see. It’s time to show up and show out. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



By October 20, an enlightening Mercury cazimi can really help you let go of tired belief systems that aren’t serving you anymore. It’s easy for fixed signs like you to get stuck in your ways, but you’re discovering new sides of things now, Aquarius. This open-mindedness bodes well for your career, too. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



Rising on October 14, the new moon solar eclipse in Libra is a deep and soulful one for you. Subconscious fears, desires, or energetic entanglements might come into your conscious purview, demanding that you face them once and for all. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

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