19 Signs That Are Honestly So Funny, I Forgot About All The Awfulness Of 2023 For A Split Second

You've had a rough week — I already know it. So why not decompress and laugh at these signs from r/funnysigns? There's a 97.99% chance you won't regret it!

1."Halloween sign."

only one pierogi per child next to a bucket of pierogis

2."Ooh! Aah! (To be fair, it really is, actually)."

top of the mountain has a sign that says, ooh aah point

3."Doot. Doot."

look at this idiot, only idiots vape, why juul when you could kazoo instead

4."After 6, have at it!!"

no crime 8am to 6pm

5."Someone's gonna be rushing over."

attention if you stole a watermelon from builidng 7 you need to control a poison control center immediately, it was a biology project and has been injected with urine of rats on steriods

6."A savior of both soles and souls..."

shoe repair, i will heel you i will save your sole i will even dye for you

7."Ayooo what?!?"

arby's sign has letters that are out so it reads rat beef sandwich

8."Your input is valuable."

suggestion box note taped to the paper shredder

9."OMG who would do this?!"

this is a handwashing sink, please don't make it awkward, no washing your feet or bathing babies

10."I can grok this."

cigarettes are like squirrels, they are perfectly harmless unti you put one in your mouth and light it on fire

11."Jigsaw is running out of ideas."

let's play a game note taped above a toilet paper dispenser that has duct tape instead of toilet paper

12."Would you like some fries with your lamp?"

we serve lamp, pork, shrimp, fries

13."You've been warned. Rescues at Sleeping Bear Dunes are $3,000."

warning, avoid getting stuck at the bottom
u/MemorableKidsMoments / Via reddit.com
don't risk injury and rescue fees by going down, or the 2 hours it may take to climb back up

14."No one knows how to block out the pain..."

Lego: destroying parent's feet since 1932

15."I mean that's just common manners."

doctor waiting room, if you die whilst waiting to see the doctor please cancel your appointment

16."No argument here."

marquee sign reads, if at first you don't succeed then skydiving isn't for you

17."Synchronized driving. :)"

back of a semi truck reads do you love your bum

18."Read it before you print."

closed, due to personal circumcisions

19."PSA, always double check to see if your apples are real before biting."

these apples are not real, don't try to eat them

Don't miss the funniest signs last week:

19 Signs That Are So Funny, You'll Forget All Your Worries And Woes For A Fleeting Moment