An Objectively Hard Trick Done Way Too Casually: Hard To Believe It's Not A Video Game (Clip)

Gabriel Ribeiro is always up to something. He's not the type of skater to simply settle. If we think something is gnarly, he needs it to be gnarlier. With a mind-melter like this, I'd say he's succeeded.

Someone commented, "nice animation, we all know thats not a real trick," and I think that set the tone pretty properly. Jokes on us, though. This is all too real. Look at that foot placement!

I love that he just casually captions it, "Whenever I try this trick feels so hard." Yeah, dude. You just did a laser flip out of a brutally dipped back Smith on a round bar. This, to me, is an actual video game trick. And I'll be the first to say I'm exhausted of that reference, but I don't know what else to say here. I bet it'd even be hard to do in a video game.

It's the Wild West out there these days. Anything goes. If you can muster it up in your mind, you can probably do it. Just when you think you've seen it all, you haven't. It's just the world we live in.

Really though, when did everyone get so gnarly? Where are they sprouting from? There is no shortage of talent out there, but moves like this will certainly provide a little extra shine.

Video / @gabriel_p_ribeiro

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